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Myntra collaborates with Microsoft to unveil AI-powered online shopping with MyFashionGPT – Business Today

Myntra collaborates with Microsoft to unveil AI-powered online shopping with MyFashionGPT – Business Today

Myntra, India’s leading online fashion retailer, has introduced an AI shopping assistant. This technology harnesses the power of generative AI, breaking away from traditional keyword-based searches and embracing a more intuitive and natural language approach.The AI assistant, integrated into the Myntra platform, signifies a paradigm shift in how users engage with online shopping. It was conceived as a solution to address the inherent limitations of conventional search methods. Unlike keyword-based searches that often struggle with vague or abstract queries, Myntra’s AI assistant deciphers open-ended requests effortlessly.During its inception, a team of engineers at Myntra delved into Azure OpenAI Service, leveraging ChatGPT, a… 

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