Well, let’s say Alexa is not an excellent ranking tool, but at least we have something to measure publicly. And yes, lots of eCommerce companies in Vietnam now. It’s crowded out there. Some VCs I know are paying attention to Vietnam’s eCommerce as they see potential from a 90M population market.
- Lazada.vn, Alexa 38, backed by Rocket Internet Southeast Asia
- Amazon.com, 77, still in the top list without any official activities in Vietnam
- Thegioididong.com, 80, the largest digital device retail chain in VN with 200+ brick n mortal stores, main products are phones, laptops, tablets, cameras…
- Xdeal.vn, 90,group-buying site
- Hotdeal.vn, 92,group-buying site, founded by Nguyen Thanh Van An in 2010, founder of eCommerce group Vinabook (vinabook.com, yesgo.vn)
- Muachung.vn, 126, group-buying site, subsidiary of VCCorp
- Cucre.vn. , 143, group-buying site, part of Vatgia.com the largest C2C Company, strong in the North of Vietnam, especially in Hanoi. Founder: Nguyen Ngoc Diep
- Cungmua.com, 156, group-buying site, The second startup of Ho Quang Khanh. Before that he started Cyvee.com, a LinkedIn-like site, used to be popular in Vietnam for white collars.
- Zalora.vn, 180, backed by Rocket Internet Southeast Asia
- NguyenKim.com, 188, the largest TV & home appliance retail chain in Vietnam
Note: most brands of VCCorp are powered by their mother’s AdMicro, an adnetwork with several of popular content sites in different niches: daily news, teen news, games, tech, social…
Other considerable sites
- Tiki.vn, 204, funded by Cyber Agent Ventures, Sumitomo (Series B). Founder Son Tran is an ex-Vinabook (No.4) Marketing Manager. Tiki first started selling English books.
- MediaMart.vn, 248, a digital and home appliance product supermarket
- JetStar.com, 274, one of the most popular low cost airlines companies in Vietnam, together with VietJetAir, AirAsia
- yes24.vn, 394, a promising B2C company from Korea, selling female fashion products. It has some sister sites in Southeast Asia.
- The list goes on…
One big notice that PayPal comes in with the pos 207 in Vietnam. Will it change the popular COD payment method?
Groupon clone business scene
Group buying sites have reached 30-50 positions on Alexa rank in the past.
- But now as the trend is going down so they have many problems. Nhommua.com is the largest group buying site
but now it disappeared from the top sites after it’s crisis between founders & investors.
- Travel flash sales sites are trendy now as usually travel deals counted for more than 30% revenue of a group-buying site. Some typical cases: cungmua.com, yesgo.vn (from Hotdeal.vn), Kitook.com (from Indonesia)
The stats is on December, 2013
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