What are products Philippines shoppers searching?

Most searched products in Philipines

From the statistics of Google Trends for Philippines, these are the following numbers

Top searches

  1. Oppo
  2. Bitcoin
  3. Defi pet
  4. Oppo a12
  5. Road bike
  6. Samsung a12
  7. Pinarello
  8. Fortuner
  9. Iphone 12
  10. Vios
  11. Smart TV
  12. Iphone 11
  13. Samsung s21
  14. Slp
  15. Toyota vios
  16. Netflix
  17. Mountain bike


  1. Oppo a15
  2. Mitsubishi Strada 2021
  3. Oppo a74 5g
  4. Honda brio 2021
  5. Redmi note 10s
  6. Oppo a54
  7. Toyota Avanza 2021
  8. Diamond play button
  9. Wenger watch
  10. cryptoblades

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